“The essence of every individual is different just like the aroma of every flower!”
Not a necessity but a boon to have varieties around and be able to add up a unique spark to your existence. The Values & Principles act as those unique whiff that each individual evinces, not only to its personal or social lives but to the professional lives too. With this fast growing super advanced professional lives, we have become very comfortable in subsiding anything that acts as a hurdle to our so called “Growth”, and that clearly puts a “?” to the relevance of Values and Principles to Profession.
If Knowledge is considered to be Power, we believe the ‘Principles’, the ‘Values’ act as the directive to this ‘Power’ for an impactful implementation into the right direction. People earn respect when they have acquired power of knowledge but become calm, self-composed with honour, once they learn to stick to their principles. Values can be considered as a ladder to earn prestige, pride and dignity not in other’s eyes but to the inner self too.
Being into the corporate world, we’ve analysed and realised that each human as an employee too, is different from the rest because of their ideologies, ethics and values. The modus mperandi to surmount any realm is actually derived from the “Values” we keep hidden somewhere within. A few are able to listen and prioritise the call of their values over anything and that is when they choose to add an “X” to the ordinary and evolve as ‘Extra Ordinary’.
In professional lives the values simply revolves around portraying an image through reliability, consistency, honesty and ownership, very basic but often delitescent. The rush, the run is oriented towards the materialistic achievements and not towards the ideal intellectual achievement of establishing your own self with your own values and beliefs.
Values and Ethics shape the corporate culture by streamlining the corporate unity and discipline together, and thus definitely designs the successful future vision of the organizations. We believe the path which never subsides your unique whiff could be a bit difficult and might be filled with enormous hurdles but cannot ever be wrong. It surely at the end heralds the milestones of success with pride!